Photo Gallery

Restoration by Ryan Oliver 2014. Firework, Stunt Coordination, Stunt Training, Wirework, Special Effects, Weapon Specialists

This was relatively early work for the members of the team, who distinguished themselves from the first auditions: all candidates were asked to split up into groups of three and given 15 minutes to come up with a fight. Because of the many stock fights and moves they had in their repertoire, our team members were able to split up in different groups and act as choreographers for each group. Many of these initial audition fights ended up as main fights in the final production. Some of our choreog

Restoration by Ryan Oliver 2014. Firework, Stunt Coordination, Stunt Training, Wirework, Special Effects, Weapon Specialists

Learn to Fly.

Learn to Fly.

Learn to Fly.

Learn to Fly.

Jan 2015: Jim Priz practicing Roof Falls into a foam pit.

Jan 2015: Practicing Roof Falls into a foam pit.

See us in Action.

Jan 2015: Jim Priz practicing Roof Falls into a foam pit.

Asylum Stunts doubling for the horror film The Sacrifice by director Ricardo Islas!

Asylum Stunts doubling for the horror film The Sacrifice by director Ricardo Islas!

Asylum Stunts doubling for the horror film The Sacrifice by director Ricardo Islas!

Gatherings, Mud Runs, and Good Times.

Gatherings, Mud Runs, and Good Times.

Gatherings, Mud Runs, and Good Times.

Gatherings, Mud Runs, and Good Times.

Ye Olde Days.

Ye Olde Days.

Ye Olde Days.

Ye Olde Days.